When it comes to explaining my web-work, I like metaphors. The temptation in the industry is to baffle clients with a word-salad of business speak and technical jargon: […]
And the Color Is: Very Peri!
Most years I get around to (or at least think about) doing a Pantone Color-Of-The-Year post. If you don’t know about Pantone, they’re the industry standard-setter for colors, […]
This Logo is Crass
Punk Rock has always been as much an art project as a music form. From early roots in anarcho-socialist screeds to mass-market t-shirt slingers (Hot Topic!), Punk’s hard […]
Bernie Memes Rock!
With all of the chaos, muckraking, and general nonsense surrounding the inauguration, I’m just tickled pink that the thing we’ll all remember isn’t another ham-fisted attempt at revolution, […]
Hipsters, You Did It!
The Economist — my sober news source of choice — had an interesting article the other week: “Flat-white world,” exploring the globalization of hipsterdom. The headline can be […]
KISS, Nazis, Context
Everything’s political nowadays. You could make the case that it’s always been that way: that we vote continually with our dollars, the words we choose, the clothes we […]