WordPress is my favorite tool for website creation. Popular, free, and flexible, WordPress powers about 30% of the internet and enjoys a dedicated following. Let me know if you’re looking for advice on building a new WordPress site, or need help updating and extending your current one.

Squarespace is a fast-growing platform for website hosting and creation. While it’s billed as a complete do-it-yourself solution, many clients find that outsourcing the process makes sense. Offloading the task to a web professional can be a smart, stress-relieving, and ultimately money saving solution.

Social Media content creation is fun, but fiddly. I’m here to help you keep up on the latest specs and best practices, optimizing your brand’s reach on the web. Sound, Video, and Photo editing is all part of the job, ensuring that your media competes. Need Crisp Copy for the next post? You got it.

Although we live online these day, Print Advertising will never go away. Confused by the rate cards, file formats, and specifications? Need help with your business card, brochure or promotional materials? Put my experience to work to ensure that your next ad pops on the page.
Need more info? Examples and references are always readily available upon request. Let me know how I can help you tell your story.
– Grant Wentzel, at your service.