The short answer: I build websites.
But a website is just a blank box. It’s only as good as what you put in it. You need content. You need creative content. That’s what I do.
As a Gen Xer, I came into this business sideways, just another dutiful English major looking to apply my degree to the marketplace. At the time, the hot new thing was getting online, and I found myself marshaled to the dot-com cause. While the stockmarket’s had some ups-and-downs since then, the wider web – this ever-evolving mash-up of design, text, and function – has continued to thrive. The possibilities, and the opportunities, seem endless.
I’m now based out of Sioux Falls, SD – the big city in a small-town state. It’s also a fast-growing regional magnet for culture, music, and marketing, and the home base of a snow-tolerant creative class. Good company to keep.
So let me know a little bit about your next project. From logos and layouts to troubleshooting buggy code, I’m sure that I can help. As I get most of my gigs sub-contracting for other developers, designers and IT professionals, I don’t have an online portfolio. However, references and examples are readily available upon request.
– Grant Wentzel, at your service.